African diversities

Square Ministries Africa has launched an intercultural exposure program for young missionaries and those aspiring to be missionaries. Many people have always wished for a safe haven in which to learn about other cultures. They frequently read books, which is a good thing, or attend conferences where they hear from those who have been there in person.

Square Ministries Africa would wish to expose the aspirants to this needed ministry as a priority whereby a person leaves his or her personal comfort and explores a new environment. One thing people must know is that being in a different culture is not suffering; yes, you miss your people and the things you love and like most, but the joy of being in a different context is greater than that. Sometimes people wonder how the first disciples of the first century were doing it. Traveling from one place to another, remember that during that time there were no flights or trains to get to their destinations quickly. They were walking thousands of miles and using unpowered boats, which were spending months along the Seas. But today, in just 24 hours, you are around the globe.

Learning how to dance African songs

Square Ministries Africa would wish to offer this as part of developing young people who will take the gospel to another level, which the present generation has failed to achieve. Someone can ask a question. What do you mean? Our generation is failing, though we are trying, but things are falling apart under our watch. The prayer is that may God raise a new generation that will be more adequate than ours. Perhaps you can be part of it by training one person at time that will go one more mile than you and all of us.

African National parks have plenty of animals to see

It is very hard to expose someone for one day or two weeks, then send him or her to a different culture tomorrow. Indeed, to be adequately exposed, it takes between six months and two years. As a missionary, it can take two to ten years to have a complete influence in a new culture. You might think that this is too long, but the truth is that in order to make change in a different culture, you need to first be changed or submerged into that culture.

Learning how to play African harp

Square Ministries Africa, through partnerships with different entities of organizations, and churches, will provide suitable guidance to the aspirant missionaries, the New Global Redemptive Changers (NGRC), and the opportunity to touch, taste, smell, see, and hear. The NGRC will be able to use the five physical senses of a human being but also the hidden sense of listening from God whispering to them each day for proper discernment.

The NGRC will be exposed to different socioeconomic and ministerial activities, such as:

  • Living in the communities
  • Serving the needy, widows, and orphans
  • Missions to different groups of people
  • Participation in workshops for sustainable rural development
  • Explore the beauty of Africa.
  • Active in church activities
  • Etc

In case you need more information, you can just contact the following address:


Author: squareministriesafrica@gmail.com

A Non-Profit Organization in East Africa

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